Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Did you know...

...that Google sells 20 GB of online data storage for $5? We use a lot of Google services (Gmail, Docs, Picasaweb, Calendar, blogger, etc.). Each of those services comes with a set storage amount. For example, Gmail gives everyone 8 GB automatically for emails. I'm currently using 2.79 GB for my email account.

Our issues are with photos, though. We've taken thousands (!) of photos over the last 5 years and have backed them up to external hard drives and burned DVDs, but both options are a little clunky and prone to errors or lapses. So when we saw that we could buy online space from Google, we decided to do that and dump our photos on Picasaweb for online archiving. We actually have nearly 50 GB of photos and videos on our computer hard drive but not all are worth keeping.

Seriously, 20 GB for $5/year. If you want 80 GB, you pay $20/year. Both are pretty sweet prices. You can buy a 1 TB external hard drive for $80, but the nice thing about online storage is the ability to access it from anywhere! The 20 GB we bought can be shared across all the Google services we use, so it's not just for photos. I'm a nerd, I know, but I find this pretty sweet.


Lokodi said...

but doesn't that mean that anyone can view these photos now? or can you make it private?

Jess and Jen said...

I asked Jess the same question! He said you can make it private! -Jen

The Duke said...

Will you show me how to do this? We have so many photos - I clean some of them up and then don't know what to do with them. Tell Jim about it on Sunday.

Jess and Jen said...

Yeah, when you upload to Picasaweb from your Picasa client on your machine, one of the options is "Public" vs. "Private." Pretty sweet. -Jess

Dave and Tana said...

google is awesome- My business is run through google basically; email,calender, docs, picasaweb, VOICE etc.

Everyone should check out google Voice... It is awesome!