Tuesday, February 07, 2012

It's Not Easy Being Me

We got the old movie, Popeye, from Netflix recently. Now I get the brunt of the music directed at me. Chris sings: "He's large. . . and he's mine." Ammon sings with a little paraphrase: "He's mean he's mean, he's mean, you know what I mean. . . ." So I have to sing: "I am what I am. . . ." and then "It's not not easy being me. . . . "

So there you have it. A simple night with Netflix and I get it all week. I guess that I should lose weight or something.

Dad Clark


Kaitlin Lanham said...

Oh Daddy! I love you!

Jess and Jen said...

I've been eating enough spinach lately that I might be morphing into Popeye... -Jess

Seth and Natalie said...

I love this! I showed Dax a popeye clip to show him how huge his muscles are because he eats his vegetables. It has worked like a charm!

Papa Doc said...

I think that you all owe me an apology.

Dad Clark

Papa Doc said...

I can see that not many of you are conversant with the Popeye movie, or the old cartoons. To bad, it is a classic. If Shelly Duvall was born for a role, it was for Olive Oyl. Williams gave one of his very best perforances. If you have never seen the movie, you need to get it and take a look.

Dad Clark

Jason said...

This was indeed one of Robin Williams' best roles. He played perfectly. Actually, all the roles were cast perfectly.

I can still here the soundtrack in my head... "I yam what I yam, what I yam what I yam, what I yam." I am going to have to go rent it.

The Duke said...

Gillian thought Ammon and I were being mean if we sang these songs to Jim. Actually, the post was Jim's idea and we laughed our heads off. So I gave my blessing. To anyone that read this, it's just a funny, funny joke that has given us lots of laughs this week. (Jim is actually really a funny guy.)