Welcome to my life.
There was a facinating bit on Nightline last night. Brent and I just sat there in amazement. We're not crazy here and no, he won't just eat if he's "hungry enough".
There's some eerie similarities in this child and my own. Even down to the foods she will eat. Makes me wonder.
Wow.. That was interesting, and exactly like Geoff. I feel bad for you. I am guilty of sometimes thinking that you make 3 different meals for your kids because you just don't wanna fight with them and because they know they will get their way, but after watching this, I don't feel that way! So sad! I am so picky to, and a lot of the things they were saying pertain to me. For example, I HATE trying new things because I feel like I know what I like, and I don't need to like anything else. I hate trying new food. It sometimes makes me cry. And I hate when people make fun of me for being picky. And I hate when people say it's all in my head. So what if it is. It is the way it is, and it SUCKS!
Yes, there are a lot of similarities between this girl and Geoff. Wow -- I worry about him all the time and in the back of my head I think, "If he doesn't start to eat a little better, he's going to end up with a g-tube just to keep him alive. However, after seeing the adults, it appears that they survive.
This is really interesting. You're not so far from Duke ... :)
I know Geoff has a problem with this. I'm sorry it is so hard for you and your family. You are the one that knows your family and knows the needs of Geoff and you are doing a good job helping him.
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