Monday, May 19, 2008

What should we name our blog?

Any ideas as to what our blog should be? Jess, do you want to set it up for us since you are the blog wizard? So far we have Jason, Jess, Dad, Jen, me, Mike's sisters Mandy and Jessie, Mike's parents, and his brother Ralph joining our blog. I'm excited for all the yummy foods I get to try.


Jason said...

McClarky's Kitchen would have been kind of funny (at least to those in on the joke) but we are already using McClarkies. How about Gastronomy 101? Or (in my case) Recipes for Disaster? Okay, that last one was kind of dumb. How about Better than Burnt Toast? I'm about tapped out.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Those are great Jason! Chelsey's vote is Delectable Edibles. I don't know if that is spelled right. How about Good Eats, Sweet treats. That one isn't very original.

Jess and Jen said...

I like Better than Burnt Toast. It's funny...


Jess and Jen said...

It's interesting she says that because of all the options listed here, better than burnt toast is the only URL available with

Oh, Adrianne, I don't need to be the one to set up the blog. Goodness, I think the number of family blogs we've got going these days, everyone is as adept at this as me! -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

Yeah, but I don't know how to do widgets. So, I don't think I should do it. Lets do the better than burnt toast one then....

Papa Doc said...

Or, you could call it, "How to Burn Water."
I probably won't be a big contributor. I'm not very inventive when it comes to food. Maybe one of the things I could add to this is a heads up when I know certain commodities are going to go up or I can let you know about fun new items I see at foodshows or that are brought in to our office.
That would probably be my biggest contribution.
Sounds fun, though. Go for it, you guys!

Papa Doc said...

I think that we need to have the words to the famous Logansport song: I like Toast. Who has that? That would be a great thing to have on the side of the blog.

Dad Clark

Jess and Jen said...

Heywood Banks was the song writer. A true talent.