Sunday, October 28, 2007

Call for Stories

I think our girls are sick of my voice. I used to sing a song to them before they went to bed (White Christmas has been a favorite of theirs...regardless of the season), but now they are looking for stories. I started telling them stories of Joseph Smith, but most the ones that seem to come to mind involve tar and feathers. Not exactly comforting bedtime stories.

Then they started asking for stories about my siblings or parents. I told them about my syrup and piano incident, for example. Those are the types of stories they want to hear. When they asked for a story about Uncle Jason, I gladly told them about how he shot me with his BB gun right in my thigh...and then convinced me NOT to tell on him. Leah can recite that story. When they asked about Uncle David, I told them the story recounted by Mom about him running away when he was 2 and getting turned into the police.

Problem is...I'm out of good stories! I need more short anecdotes about my siblings. Please, if you get a chance, respond to this post or email me with a story either about you or one of the siblings.


Mike and Adrianne said...

You can tell them the story about Lance and David when they slept in a tent outside in Francesville and it got really windy and blew the tent across the lawn with them in it. I think I remember the tent rolling upside down or something. Mom and dad had to put that huge piggy bank in the tent to keep it from rolling anymore.

chelsey said...

That was a good one Adrianne! I'll never forget mom and dad chasing the tent in their garments! Then of course there was Lance or David that peed out of the tree onto the other. Good times...

Funny that your girls ask you about your life stories. Ours do that too. They're always curious what we did when we were kids. We've had to rack our brains too.

There's the one of you chasing me with a dead mouse. Mom finally locked you outside until you would throw it away and leave me alone. Instead, you stood outside the window of our trailer and waved the mouse at me. I got mad and pretended to hit the window with my fist, only my pretend was a little too real. I broke the window and still have 2 scars to prove it. I also remember the hard sit down on the top bunk bed while mom cleaned up my wounds. I don't think you ever chased me with a rodent again. I guess you realized I was serious about not liking mice.

Jason said...

I was going to suggest the dead mouse story also. Have you told them about Gotcha Boards? I think those were Adrianne's favorite. Or how about the owl that kept getting in the pigeon coop? There was also the time Dad ran over Adam's foot with the car while doing their paper route in Citrus Heights or the time Adam opened the truck door in NE while it was moving and fell out. And don't forget Lindsey getting up a 6 am on a Saturday, going over to the neighbors and asking to play - she was three or four. I have had lots of bike wrecks over the years but one of the wrecks that stands out occured when I was about 11. I was flying down the hill from the Martin's to our driveway (in NE) and realized towards the bottom of the hill that I was going a little too fast on my red three speed Schwinn. I applied my brakes but my rear wheel began to slide out. I tried to make it into the driveway anyway. I would have been okay if it hadn't been for the green metal fence post on the side of the driveway. I plowed into the post dead-on. I am not sure what happened but I remember waking up with my bike on top of me. Luckily nothing was broken. I have got plenty more stories where that one came from but I have got to get back to work.

Jess and Jen said...

Great stories! Adrianne, thanks for the Lance and David story because last night Abby requested a Lance and David story for tonight! We'd love stories about all of your guys' kids too. Jason, we needed another story about you, because right now if you ask Leah "Who's Jason?" she will say "He shoot daddy with BB gun" They'd love to hear about their cousins, too! Keep them coming!


Mike and Adrianne said...

You could also tell of the one where Lindsey got hit by a car because we disobeyed mom and didn't cross at the cross walk.

Mike is going to think of some about him. I can't think of any for me.

LanceandNance said...

Good times. I still remember the tent incident and the peeing "accident." I guess that was pretty mean of me. In the MTC, an elder in my district peed on his companion while they were showering at the Tree of Life. It took awhile to figure out what was going on and why he was staring at his companion with a grin. Maybe he realized that it would take a bit for someone to actually look down. After all, the shower water and urine were pretty much the same temperature. Good times.

Lokodi said...

I happened to be in the tree with Lance when he "accidently" peed on david's head. It was great! What about the time when David hit Lance over the head with a sledge hammer. Or the time when chelsey and I were the only ones at home in francesville when a mouse ran across the floor, so we climbed up on a table and stayed there forever until mom and dad came home. Then dad just took his shoe and smashed the think, threw it outside on our lawn so that everytime you went out to play, there was the dead mouse!