Friday, July 28, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Us!

It's been 14 years today. The best thing is, we still like each other!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures we've taken together in the last 3 years!

The picture up top is our most recent picture taken in the Bahamas in April of 2006.

To the left was taken the summer of 2004.

The picture on the right was taken at Amy and Adam's wedding reception.

The picture on the left was taken in Hawaii in May of 2004

The picture on the right was taken in June of 2005.

Looks like Jason liked that shirt a lot.


Jess and Jen said...

Way to survive another year together. 14 years makes you guys sound old, though. Guess you'd better keep on doing the Body Step classes to stay young.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Isn't that funny? 14 years sounds like a long time to me too. That makes mom and dads 37 (am I right) years seem like and eternity! :) Happy Anniversary. I hope it is a great anniversary.

Papa Doc said...

CONGRATULATIONS! The best part of this celebration is what you said, "We still like each other." Good for you! May you stick around long enough to celebrate your 50th.

Team Clark said...

You guys are awesome - way to go. 14 years seems like forever (probably because 14 years ago I was 14 years old...:)).

Good job!

Jason said...

Thanks, Amy. I am now feeling my age. By the way, did Adam ever tell you what he wore to our wedding? I thought Michelle was going to kill him. Now, every time we look at our wedding pictures we have a good laugh.

Michelle said...

Actually I hadn't even noticed Adam wearing Jeans until we got our wedding pictures back, then I said, "Why's he wearing jeans?" and Chris said, "Because he forgot his church pants."
It is funny because I can't imagine getting all 9 children ready for a trip to the temple and remembering everything. I can't even get to church with everyone wearing church shoes. Seems like every wedding in the family has a trama. On Chelsey's wedding she almost didn't have her wedding dress for her receiption because it was in the trunk of our car that was being fixed all day in Provo and this was before cell phones so no one could reach us to get the dress back. Adrianne was sick all day when she got married. I seem to remember something about a cake going wrong or something at Adam's wedding. Lindsey and Jess did anything exciting happen on your big day?

Jess and Jen said...

From my perspective, I don't remember anything bad happening at all. Except for the 7:20 am sealing in Salt Lake, it seemed like everything was fine. We stood in a line for entirely too long, but no real problems. I didn't even forget anything for my honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta.

Jen or each of our folks may have different ideas, but from my blinded perspective that day, everything was good. Real good.

Lokodi said...

Well, for our actually wedding, no one in the family could even show up. So to me, that was went majorly wrong (that and the fact that it wasn't the temple wedding that I had always imagined). However, Hans and I don't even celebrate that day as our anniversary now. We celebrate our anniversary on Dec. 20th which was the day we went thru the temple. On that day, everything was perfect...except for the fact that our neighbors took our table clothes for their daughter's wedding. We had to rush down to a neighbor's house and borrow some from her.
Congrats on the great accomplishment of 14 years. I hope you still act like newly weds. It's funny to look at those pictures. You guys have really slimmed down a ton. The more recent the picture, the skinnier you both get. Usually it's the other way around. Congrats on that too!
