Sunday, July 28, 2013

For Sarah

This post is for Sarah.

 This is like gambling. They have to stay on the horse for 8 seconds. The horse is judged as to how hard he bucks. If he doesn't buck hard enough, the cowboy can have another ride on a different horse. If they win, they win big money. If they lose, then they lose what it cost them to enter.  Eight seconds.........  (I love rodeos.)

 This cowboy won 2 million dollars in one year.  I don't think it's worth it.


Nancy said...

Yeah, I bet half the money went to his chiropractor.

Lokodi said...

Amen to that one Nancy! I'm jealous you got to go to the rodeo mom. I love going!


chelsey said...

what on earth would possess you to destroy your body like that? Those 8 seconds add up! Ouch. So glad Sarah isn't in to this type of rodeoing!