Sunday, August 04, 2013

Jared is Going Home

Jared's time with us is coming to a close. He leaves for home on Tuesday. We want to thank Jason and Michelle for letting him come and stay with us. We have gotten to know him well and he has been a joy to have around.

Due to Ammon's issues this summer, we weren't able to go very far away or on trips to show Jared around until yesterday. Jim took Jared to his favorite spot -- Fish Lake and Capital Reef, about 3 hours south of home. They took some great pictures and had a lot of fun. On the way home they went over the Nebo Loop.

 They saw many buffalo on their trip.

 They walked down the Grand Wash for about a mile and a half. They saw some pretty cool formations, petroglyphs and signatures of early pioneers etched in the walls of the canyon.

 Top of the summit just before dropping down into Fish Lake area.
 Today I took some photos of Jared per his request. We'll do a few more tomorrow.
 Here are some samples.

We hope Jared has a great senior year and that he prepares himself to get back to this area - to enter the MTC.  We will miss you, Jared!


Jess Clark said...

It has been a fun visit with Jared. I'm glad he's spent the last few months out here and I've enjoyed my hiking buddy.

Love the bottom picture on this post. Great senior picture!

Michelle said...

Those are awesome pictures. Thanks so much for taking them. I'm looking forward to seeing him again. I miss him so much. I'm glad he was fun to be around there and glad I was able to share him for a couple months.

Jason said...

I'll be glad to have him back. Jared is as solid as they come and truly a good and decent young man. We've missed him.

chelsey said...

It certainly has been fun to have him hang out with us too! He's a good kid and we had a great time with him at youth conference! I wish our stinkin summers weren't so busy, so we could've spent even more time with him. We'll see ya next year Jared! We love ya!