Friday, June 25, 2010


Tonight the news featured a story that stunned me...because we all know (at least most of us do) the woman that was arrested...See this story. Dannette Stark, for those of you who don't remember, was from Winimac, Indiana and was in our Logansport ward. Her maiden name was Danette King. I was so stunned to see this story and to know the nature of the story. What a tragic mistake and consequence that will come from this. It makes me so sad to see. Anyway, sorry to break some bad news to you all, but I'm sure she is feeling the full weight of her mistake and probably needs prayers to help her and her family. I'm not sure what path one takes to get where you can make such a terrible decision, but I'm sure it hasn't been a good one - and I'm more than sure that it is an even harder road back. It's rare that stories like this impact me, but this is someone I was friends with when I was a teenager. Very unfortunate for everyone involved.



Jess and Jen said...

Once I clicked on the link and saw the picture I totally remembered her. Too bad for her and the girl she exploited. -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

Oh, that's too bad. Her sister Shannon was my good friend and her dad was my primary teacher.

Michelle said...

I think it all starts with missing church, then not saying your prayers. Little things add up to big things and then your life is screwed up.

The Duke said...

Oh, this makes me sick to my stomach. What on earth happened in her life to lead her to do such things?! I feel so badly about it all.

chelsey said...

Holy cow! She actually found me on facebook a while back. Brent and I have both commented on how unhappy she always seems. I can't imagine the sadness her parents must be feeling. We saw them over the Memorial Day weekend and Geoff took a real liking to her dad. They are still such humble people. Shannon is still active and leads the music at church.
What's scary too is that she probably didnt have a clue what conseqences she now faces and what terrible lasting effects she has left upon the other girl and her family. Really, really sad.

Ohio just passed a law last year that if a teen even sends a text that is considered pornographic they are charged with a felony. Some girl committed suicide last year when a bad picture of herself got sent out via text to her whole school. Too bad there aren't the same laws for adults!