Friday, June 25, 2010

4th of July Weekend

What plans does anybody have for the weekend of July 4th? If anyone wants to bring their kiddos to Elk Ridge on Friday night, the 3rd of July, they can watch the parade and play at the park. It's a silly little parade but you get lots of candy and can see the fire trucks, etc. It's lots of fun even though it's small.

We have no definite plans. I know Lance wants to get together for a final BBQ before they leave. We want to get together for our Indian tasting party as well. Let me all know what/when you can get together.


Jess and Jen said...

I'm busy July 3rd in the morning but available all afternoon / evening as well as Sunday, July 4. We're leaving for Scout Camp on Monday, July 5. -Jess

Kaitlin Lanham said...

Mom the parade in Elk Ridge is tonight. Elk Ridge doesn't do anything for the 4th of July. The parade is the city celebration.

Team Clark said...

The 3rd of July is Saturday. That evening we want to find a place where we can watch the stadium of fire fireworks without hearing them. That never goes over well with Henry and so this time we want to be prepared!
Other than that we haven't really made any plans...

The Duke said...

Amy, you can have your kids watch the fireworks over the whole valley from a retaining wall behind our church. It's pretty awesome and you can't hear them. Maybe you would want to try that?