Tuesday, May 11, 2010


How about those tornadoes? I heard that in Oklahoma there were 12 tornadoes yesterday. A large one hit I-40 at rush hour. Tinker Air Force Base is on I-40 so pretty much we would drive over I-40 like every day. Norman got hit (which is where OU is located) and then Choctaw was hit. Choctaw is the town that neighbors Midwest City. Remember when they had those fires? The huge fires hit Choctaw. Houses were totalled and many members of the Choctaw ward got their homes destroyed. Mike is going to email some of our friends today that live in Choctaw (one of Will's friends that we had a playdate with all the time). Also, my second counselor in our ward moved to Choctaw a few months after we moved. It really is just a few minutes from our house--I talked to her on facebook last night and she said their shop was completely destroyed. Scary, scary. We would have been very close to those tornadoes but safe. Norman is just south of us and Choctaw is just east. I always have to laugh when people in Ohio tell me that Ohio weather is so tempermental and changes every five minutes. I think, "Dude, move to Oklahoma. That is why they have tornadoes. It really does change every five minutes." I remember one Sunday it was in the 70's and we decided to go outside and take family pictures in our backyard. Within 30 minutes the temperature had dropped into the 40's. It's just crazy. I have to admit that I was kind of jealous when I heard all the crazy weather news. Does that make me weird? It is just so cool and scary.


The Duke said...

Yes, you're crazy that you would be jealous. Man, I can't think if a better way to cause a mom to nearly die than to know one of my kids was in the middle of such rubble and destruction. I kept thinking about your storm shelter when I heard a story about a family that rushed into their storm shelter but couldn't get out because their garage was blown on top of the shelter.
You're crazy if you feel jealous!!!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Well, I'm not really jealous I missed being in the tornado--just that it is cool weather to see. They had hail the size of baseballs. When we lived there we saw hail that large once. The wind is just crazy and it is just such a fast change. One time I was in my house exercising and a friend called asking if they could go in our storm shelter. I was so confused. Then I turned on the TV and there was a tornando just miles from us! I had no idea because the weather had been perfect just a short while before.

Jess and Jen said...

I am in Southern California and it's about 75, clear, and sunny. Nothing like this you write of, although I completely understand your desire to see such crazy weather, as long as there were no risk to yourself. -Jess

Michelle said...

Tornadoes facinate me and scare me all at the same time. Anyone seen that movie twister, very real until the very last tornado. Never could they have lasted tied by belts to the sprinkler, but it was just "a movie" I guess.

Being so close to our Iowa City tornado a few years back was crazy enough for me. Driving through those wrecked neighborhoods and seeing all the devistation was sad.

We get crazy weather in Iowa, like you explained 70's one day. 40's the next. Today it is pouring rain and in the 50's tomorrow scheduled to be near 80, that sure will be nice if it really happens since it's been raining for 4 days straight and not just mild rain, we have had serious thunderstorms, hail, wind and cold weather.

Michelle said...
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