Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Events

Some of you living in Utah may have seen this on the news, but a 17 year old boy drove his vehicle right into this house two blocks below my work. It is the last house before the football stadium parking lot on the east side. They think the boy must have had some kind of medical condition. He didn't even try to put on his brakes. Luckily the family of six were staying with some relatives that morning. The red posts are like stilts holding up the roof. The impact blew the windows out on the west side of the house. I had quite a bit of trouble getting to work because two roads were closed. It made for an interesting Friday morning.

 Here's a picture of Ammon after he got home from the dance last week. He had a great time and looked really great in his new suit.
 The neighbor's cat was outside the other day enjoying the sunshine along with the rest of us.

 I'm getting excited to go to this temple with Kaitlin and Chad.

Spring is finally here. We are loving the warmer weather and I'm really enjoying seeing green plants, green grass and colorful flowers - oh, yes, I can't forget the wonderful sound of birds greeting us each morning as we go outside. I LOVE spring.


Jess Clark said...

Yes, spring has officially sprung around these parts. I am glad to move on from winter. Glad to see Ammon all dressed up for his big date. Handsome kid!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Ammon looks awesome. So handsome. I love your pictures and I'm excited for Spring too! There is just something so happy about it.