Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Who could forget this little one on a day like today?

The family just wanted to make sure that we said happy birthday to the boy who could not be forgotten. I mean come on, how could we forget this boy?

The boy who would slosh around with the pigs and be just as dirty with a diaper on. Or how about...

The boy that would kiss his cousins, just because he could with his two little lips. Or how about...

The boy that beats up his older brother at just a small age of about 2 all the while looking spiffy in his little suit and pacifier.

And last but not least,

how could we ever forget the boy that would run away from home so often that Mom would have to basically have him on a leash? 

We sure are glad you never were successful in running away. If you had been, we wouldn't have you in this wonderful and loving family. We love you David! Happy Birthday!


gillian said...

woot woot! its your birthday! I sent you a card in the mail today, sorry it will be late. I hope you have the best birthday. You deserve it. One of these days you will be close enough to all of us to celebrate it with cake and a big party!

chelsey said...

Great bday post! Happy bday Dave!! Hope you have a great one and don't have to work today.

Lokodi said...

I love these pictures! Where'd you find them Katy? Happy birthday Dave. We hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of love from all your girls. :) Miss you tons.

Lindsey and Hans

Alyssa said...

YUCK! you kissed your cousins! :p well anyway no matter how sick that is it also happens to be your Birthday. So Happy Birthday!

Jess and Jen said...

Dave, I hope you've enjoyed your birthday with all your ladies! -Jess

Kaitlin Lanham said...

Lindsey I got them from home. We just scanned them onto the computer. the last picture is one I got off of his Facebook.

Michelle said...

Happy Late Birthday Dave! Hope it was a super great one.