Monday, May 07, 2012


We got new windows on the top floor today. Yahoo!!!  I love them.  The company brought the wrong panel for the large middle panel in the living room so they have to come back and replace it. The grids are in the wrong place.  The ugly brown shutter are now gone. Next project:  paint that ugly front door white.

Now the grandkids can open the back sliding door with one little finger. 

 Jim has so few dandelions in our yard that whenever I see one, I want to take a picture and show him because it would probably cause him to rush out and get rid of it immediately. It's funny. So I found this one. He hasn't seen it yet. :)


chelsey said...

Yeah for a new sliding door!! New windows are going to make that front room feel so much brighter too.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

They look good mom!

Jess and Jen said...

Way to go on the windows. When we got our sliding glass door done it was a readjustment for our feet because the profile on the bottom was much higher than the old one was. Don't trip on your way out!

I like the photo of the evil dandelion. Nice composition and color (or lack thereof). - Jess