Thursday, March 22, 2012

On the topic of eating

Since everyone keeps talking about food lately...

We had delicious pumpkin pancakes last night.  I know it's Spring and that is more a Fall meal but the boys love them and I needed something quick to make last night because they had swimming and Mike had a meeting at the church.  Anyway, pumpkin pancakes are not super healthy but I make them with wheat flour (which sounds disgusting but no one in my family even knew I put wheat flour in it but me).  Even better, we eat them with an apple cider syrup, which I made with my juicer that we bought.  Won't it be cool when I can make my apple cider syrup from the apples in my own backyard?!

Anyway, I think we are already pretty healthy eaters.  My problem is that I eat too much of those healthy foods.  Of course apple cider syrup is not healthy--it has a lot of sugar and butter in it--but I feel happy with the way we eat.  I feel like I want to be healthy and enjoy the food I eat also and I think we have a pretty good balance with that.  So, if you want a great pancake to eat--try my pumpkin pancakes with apple cider syrup.  Well, it isn't MY recipe so I can't claim them as mine.


The Duke said...

Oh, that sounds so good right now. Rice Krispies for breakfast isn't very filling. I an just taste those pumpkin pancakes right now!

Dave and Tana said...

Sounds so good! Dave and I have been talking a lot about healthy eating and changing our's just so hard when you are pregnant!