Friday, April 01, 2011

A Beautiful Day for a Wedding

Today we celebrated a wondrous event with Stephen's family. Their daughter, Calli, was married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple to Austin Clair Knutsen for eternity. There was an abundance of the Spirit in the ceremony, an abundance of tears and an abundance of love for everyone there. Calli had never wanted a reception and so they had a wedding. That's all. No fanfare, no large dinner, no huge expense and little stress. Calli did not have a traditional wedding dress. Instead, she chose the gorgeous dress in above picture. She looked divine and gloriously happy. They chose April Fools Day. She told her mother, "Well, I guess fools rush in." Austin and Calli went to school together. They had known each other for 9 years. She was sort of waiting for him while he served his mission in Brazil until she felt she needed to go on a mission. She left 6 weeks before he returned home. He waited for her.
This is the cutest little cowboy on the face of the earth. He belongs to Seth & Natalie and his name is Dax.

Natalie made a simple but beautiful bouquet for Calli and that is the only traditional thing about this wedding. I think they are two very smart kids.
This is simply a gorgeous temple. The windows are so incredible. It was a beautiful day for a wedding.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Cute couple, cute pictures. It looks like a beautiful day.

chelsey said...

Looks like a great day! Wish we could've joined in the joyful day with you all. Natalie, the flowers look great too!

Jess and Jen said...

Glad you got to go to the wedding and see everyone. The weather was perfect on Friday. -Jess

Seth and Natalie said...

Christina and Jim, it was so good to see you there. I just wish we could have seen more of your family. Although, maybe one reason God gave Calli such a powerful sealer with such powerful words was because she put all her focus on the sealing. You took such great pictures!