Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lindsey!

Lindsey, it's 11pm on March 31 here in Salt Lake City. I told Jen, "Lindsey's already enjoying her birthday!" Jen said, "Wait, it's like 7am in Germany. I doubt she's enjoying her birthday yet."

I don't know why, but I always liked this photo of Lindsey. Despite the clown nose, she looks gorgeous. This picture was taken on the day she and Hans were sealed in the Jordan River Temple. Happy birthday, young lady!


Lokodi said...

Actually, I was enjoying my birthday at 7am this morning. My wonderful upstairs neighbor dropped off some really hot, yummy homemade muffins and a gift for me. She's so sweet. She's also going to watch the kids for us so Hans can take me out to dinner tonight. It will be a much needed break from the kids! Thanks for the birthday wishes Jess and Jen. I actually like that picture too for some reason. Maybe it's because bozo is my nick name and the nose seems to suit me. :)


Team Clark said...

Happy Birthday Sis! Well, Jess may have beat me to this, but I will say that I am the first one to actually say it on the actual day (US time). Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day. If you were on Skype, we could chat.:) Be good and have tons of fun! Love ya.


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Lindsay. I'm glad the day started out right. I love it when friends remember your special day. Every year I say I'm going to mail you a card and then I forget. Anyway you do look gorgeous in that picture. Have a great day!

Jason said...

Happy birthday, Linds! I hope you have a great day.

The Duke said...

Be very happy that I restrained Dad from calling you at 3:00 a.m. this morning. We thought about it long and hard remembering one morning when I called you from our second line to the phone in your bedroom at 4:00 a.m. I wanted to be the first to say Happy Birthday ... and April Fools. We didn't think you'd appreciate that kind of phone call this year.

I hope your day is filled with lovelies! I love you.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish I was there to celebrate with you! I hope you have such a fantastic day today! Love you much!

gillian said...

happy birthday! I hope mom mailed you some ugly swim suits from DI! I will never forget that birthday!!!!

chelsey said...

Happy Birthday to you! Have a fabulous day (hopefully minus the pranks!) . Yeah, why don't you get skype sometime so we can chat online??

I like this photo of you too! It's fun and beautiful at the same time!

Jess and Jen said...

She has skype but no web cam... -Jess

LanceandNance said...

Happy Birthday! You are the coolest!

Lance and Nancy

Team Clark said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!

Seth and Natalie said...

You are really pretty in this picture, clown nose or not! Happy birthday, April is just the month for cool kid's b-days!