Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Alyssa left for the bus stop this morning and within 30 seconds was back.
She said, "Dad, please don't ever let me do that again."
"What's that?" I responded.
"I left for school with flip flops and socks. It makes me look like I'm 30."
"Yeah, but you are 40 so you don't do that type of thing anymore."

It's good to know that I have outgrown nerdiness.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Ha, Ha! I LOVE this!!

chelsey said...

That's definitely a "bloggable" statement. How funny! At least she knows her stuff. Between Alyssa and Adrianne's little Isaac, they've got the fashion rules for socks down!

Kaitlin Lanham said...

Oh goodness. What an awesome niece I have.

The Duke said...

Now that is one funny girl! I'm glad you have outgrown that nerdiness, too!

Michelle said...

As I was seriously thinking about this, I think she meant me with the flip flops and socks. I do it all the time. Especially when I go to take the dog out and I don't want to take off the socks to take the dog, so I slip on shoes. Alyssa has mentioned to me before how bad my feet look. And I'm still in my 30's