Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I got an email today from BYU. I applied for scholarships.

I got one.

The Miles Family scholarship. I get $2280.00 for Fall Semester. Oh and another $2280.00 for Winter Semester.

Well if this isn't a blessing for me I don't know what is. And on top of that, I haven't done my pel grants and what not. I am so excited! aaaaahhhh!!!!

So see, a c and two c-'s for my first semester along with the rest being a's and a-'s is not as bad as I thought. :)


The Duke said...

AHHHHHH!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!
Oh what a relief it is.....
I'm really proud of you, Kaitlin, for taking the initiative to find this scholarship and apply.
And I know your second semester has been even better with grades.
You rock, girly!!

Kaitlin Lanham said...

yeah my grades have been much better!! I have all A's and A-'s and one B/B- (not 100% sure about that one yet). Man things have just been so much better!

Michelle said...

Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.

LanceandNance said...

That is awesome! Way to go Katy!

Jess and Jen said...

What a relief for you. That is totally cool. Having someone else pay for college without asking for it back is pretty dang sweet. -Jess

chelsey said...

Great job Katy! Congrats!