Thursday, March 24, 2011

Murderer in my photobooth

I don't know if there was any national attention about this but it definitely received attention here in DC. Last week there was a killing in the Yoga Store Lululemon Athletica. There was a woman beaten to death and another was raped, beaten, and tied up in the store. The woman tied up survived and said that two masked men came in and attacked both women. Well fast forward to now the real story was the two women got into a heated argument and the one beat the other to death and then proceeded to inflict wounds upon herself and tied herself up to cover this all up. Pretty chilling stuff I know! Read more about the story here

Well Lululemon just happens to be a client of mine and they had one of our photo booths in their Georgetown store for 3 weeks last December. Look at this from the whole album... click to the next photo to the right as well. Crazy stuff!


gillian said...

That is CREEPY!!!!!!!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Dave, that's creepy. I looked at the pictures but there were like 700 + so I didn't know which one she was. That's just messed up.

Jason said...

This has been in the news around here as well. Completely nuts. She shouldn't have been stealing stuff.

The Duke said...

Ick -- make sure you do NOT go in any booth with anybody because maybe they'll kill you, too! That's a horrible story.
Tana, it looks like you went back to blonde!

Dave and Tana said...

The black girl in the link in picture 23 and 24 is the murderer and I believe, don't quote me on it, the white girl in 24 is the girl she killed.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Oh, when I first clicked on it it showed different pictures but this time it took me right to that picture of her.

Michelle said...

Wow freaky. So sad that she felt she had to Murder her co-worker. Wow. I'm in shock at how people just snap sometimes. The whole story just makes you shake.

chelsey said...

We heard about this murder here on our news. That is really crazy that they'd even have taken a photo together. . That lady clearly went nuts! And from the sounds of it, she inflicted a serious amount of wounds to the victim. That's some rage going on there! Hope she gets the right sentencing.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

That is just creepy. I can't believe you had a murderer in your photobooth! Uh. I would be freaked out. For sure.

LanceandNance said...

Nice. The link to the picture of the two of them together was particularly entertaining to see. People are crazy.

Michelle said...

This would be a great title for a creepy book.

Papa Doc said...

So does this make you an accomplice?

Dad Clark