Thursday, March 24, 2011

My husband is officially a genius today

Today Mike graduates. I'm really proud of him. I wish we made more a deal of these type of things but when I talked to Mike about it last night he just said, "If I worked harder, it might be a bigger deal." Mike is an exceptionally smart man and he doesn't have to work very hard for his grades. He got all A's and a B+ from a teacher that didn't grade a single assignment or test until he gave the final grade (so he had no idea how he was doing in that class). Something I love about Mike is that he never studies on Sundays and he rarely stays late on base to do his work. There were a few nights when he stayed until 10 and a few nights he worked late at home but overall, he does his work and he does it well and then he comes home to us. I love it. This post will embarrass him and sorry if it seems like I'm bragging. But I am! It's ok for his wife to brag a little isn't it?! Tonight is the ceremony and I am going. I heard it's a long, boring ceremony and I will probably be smart to sit close to an exit so I can go to the bathroom...

Mike doesn't want anything for graduation and I'm not sure what to do to celebrate but I'd really like to do something because I want the boys to realize what a big deal it is to get your masters, even if Mike doesn't see it that way.

He'd like to get his PHD and then when he retires around 40ish, he'd like to go back to school to become a patent lawyer.

Anyway, I posted on facebook about Will last night doing Math in his bed. This kid is such a nerd. He is just being taught to add numbers like 1 + 3 at school but he was doing that in the summer before he started. So last night I found him making up his own math problems. He was writing 40 + 80 and 19 + 13, stuff like that. Honestly, I don't know what to do with the kid. At dinner Mike's been teaching him how to multiply and divide.

His teacher told me at his parent teacher conference that he is in the top reading group and that he knows the word lists that she hasn't even gone over in class. We have been reading scriptures for a few years now and have mainly been having the boys repeat the words. Sometimes we would let Will try and read a verse but that was it. Then I was talking to Jess and he told me how well his girls learned to read by reading a verse each night so we started following Jess' example and now he is an awesome reader! Those scriptures...they are good for more than learning the gospel! ;)

Ok, thanks for letting me brag. You all should post bragging posts about your families now so we can all talk about how cool our family is.


Michelle said...

Congratulations Mike. That is awesome and I think it's a huge deal. Yes Adrianne, sometimes we just have to brag about our wonderful husbands when they do awesome things!!!

Great about Will and doing Math. Glad he loves it. I love Math too and wish more people in my family shared my love of Math. I loved a balanced checkbook to the penny.

Congratulations again!

chelsey said...

Yep, I'd say you've got a bunch of smartie pants there. Congrats to Mike (and will) for the accomplishments! And don't forget to find a seat near the door during know your bladder won't hold that long anymore! :)

gillian said...

Congrats! I am happy for you guys! NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!! I can't wait till we get to that point!!

The Duke said...

I'm really proud of all that Mike has accomplished. Don't forget to pat yourself in the back, either, Adrianne because you are part of the success here.
We have been reading scriptures with all of you since you were tiny. The first thing we ever taught you all to read was,"And it came to pass," because it came so often. That's how we started with Ammon as well. Now he says, "And it came to pass, that means it happened," and then he goes on. He picked that up from his dad.
We have always believed that scriptures are a great way to teach kids how to read.
Keep it up.

Papa Doc said...

What a cool post! Remember, I have said since the birth of my grandsons that one of them is going to solve problem of nuclear waste. That is not going to be easy and one had better know math. So, keep him going. And they way things are going, it just might be a grandaughter that does such a thing. It is really possible!

We all know Mike is a great guy. The greatest thing of all is that you know it, and love him. We love him, too.

Dad Clark

Lokodi said...

You're totally allowed to brag about your hubby. It is a big deal and you should be very proud. It was such a huge relief when Hans was done. It's just such a nice burden to have off your soldiers, but a really cool thing at the same time. Congrats Mike. That's awesome you did so well too. I think you should all go celebrate!
