Monday, January 03, 2011

Simple Pleasures

This little thing makes me happy.

Really happy.

Mostly because I scored it for $22. Lamps are expensive; so anytime I find one this cute, at that price, I'm gonna snatch it.

Also, I posted on our blog again. Happy new years to you all! Hope you all have a great one!


Lokodi said...

Oooh! I like it. That was a great deal too.


Jason said...

Did you get Jake in trouble for scribbling on it? :)

chelsey said...

Jason wins. I was waiting for someone (one of you boys) to comment on the scribble job! That's precisely what I love about this burlap/linen, scribbled on lampshade! Jake only charges $2/hr. I'll rent him out. :)

The Duke said...

Love it -- did you get it at that cute store I went nuts over?

Michelle said...

Love it. I love great deals. I recently picked up a smaller lamp for $8.00 I'll have to take a picture of it. It is in our guest room.