Thursday, November 18, 2010


Been up to Scofield Resevoir twice in the past week with a friend from our old ward. Good times! It was very cold up there (9 degrees with a stout wind), but we had a great time pulling in some really great fish. Here's two of them. See the others on my facebook page if you want. I only took pictures of a few because 1) it was way too cold to want to take my camera out all the time (had to take off gloves) and 2) we caught way too many to photo them all.


Jess and Jen said...

Pretty fish. Looks like some good catches. You should get the merit badge. -Jess

Michelle said...

Those are some great looking fish. Daniel would be proud.

The Duke said...

See, Daniel needs to come out and Adam would take him fishing. :)
They are beautiful fish. Anybody that goes out in 9 degree weather, however, is crazier than a looney bird.