Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Amy!

Today is Amy's birthday!! Happy BiRtHdAy!! I hope you're feeling a bit better today. Sounds like it's been a bit rough lately. :( Hang in there, and we all hope you're able to enjoy your day.


Dave and Tana said...

Happy happy birthday Amy!!!! Hope you have a great day!

The Duke said...

Ah, we need that birthday cake in our kitchen tonight -- of course, Amy might not like to eat it at the moment. Looks yummy!
Happy birthday Amy. I hope you feel well enough to find something to enjoy today.

LanceandNance said...

Happy Birthday Amy!

Jess and Jen said...

From the cake, it looks like you're celebrating your 25th birthday. Congrats! Have a happy day -- as happy as you can in your current predicament. Drink lots of water! -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday Amy! I hope you get a little respite from feeling sick today.

Lokodi said...

Happy, happy birthday Amy. Have a great one! and feel better too. :)


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday. Hope it was a great day and that you are feeling good.