Does anybody have any good suggestions about how to slow life down a bit? Some days I feel very overwhelmed at how much there is to do and how little I get done but I always feel like I'm working. Not much play in the mix.
Since Saturdays are my one big day to get caught up on housework, laundry, ironing, cooking and grocery shopping, etc., that day flies by and I find there is little fun over the weekend. I rush home to work. I rush to work to work.
Slow down life!! Give me some suggestions.
Don't be the Scoutmaster with three young kids, another on the way, play flag football, work full time, and build a basement in your free time.
Do tell your boss you don't want to travel the rest of the year, thereby throwing out three trips (including a week paid at the Grand Canyon, for heaven's sake), but making your wife very happy. And yourself.
I'm having the same problems. I'm having a hard time finding an appropriate balance in my life right now. Family is getting dropped first, then work, and finally Scouts. Not sure those 12 year old buggers deserve my attention, but they're getting it. At least I'm not still in school like Mike is. And my wife isn't experiencing the morning sickness anymore, so there are two huge burdens I'm not facing right now.
I've been thinking about this lately because it seems that when you are pregnant and not feeling well, things have to slow down. It is hard for me to not be doing something--cleaning, playing with the boys, doing a project, whatever, and I feel guilty about it. I feel guilty about Mike coming home to a dirty house and no dinner. I feel guilty that we haven't been inviting people over to dinner because my house is too dirty. I feel guilty about a lot of stuff. And then I remember Pres. Uchdorf's talk about slowing down during turbulance and realize that I don't need all those other things. I just need to do my best and do what I can and rely on Mike a little more and even on my friends a little more. My kids aren't going to be ruined by watching a little too much TV right now. My house will get cleaned one day and things will change.
Also, I know there is a time and a season for everything. Mike was pretty busy and unavailable a lot to our family for a lot of years with his callings. But now he is home most nights and even though he is in school, it is his job, he doesn't have to go to work and then go do school work. So right now, we get to enjoy a little respite. One day that might change again and we will have to adjust to being busier.
I guess I just think, take it slow, pray about what things Heavenly Father wants the most for you and if htere are changes to be made, make them and if not, then realize that this time will end and you might get a break there somewhere.
You are one of the busiest people I know mom! You and dad have always been a good example to me of hard work. I hope you get some time in there to relax and play. Your body needs it. If I lived there I'd come do some of your chores for you so you could have more time to play....when I'm feeling better that is.
Move to Mackay. I haven't had to leave the house in a week and no one misses me. Living in the middle of nowhere is kind of nice on the busy end of things.
Here's a few things I do so I have more time to play on Saturday:
1. Do 1-2 loads each day of laundry so there's no laundry over the weekend.
2. Grocery shop during the week, either on the way home from one of my jobs or early in the morning.
3. Delegate as much housework as possible to those at home who can help and try to get the rest done by Thursday or Friday night.
4. Make ahead meals, by either making a bunch of meals in advance or cooking all the meat in advance and freezing it and chopping all vegetables in advance and freezing them. Many websites can help with make ahead meal ideas and how to do it well.
5. Only iron if you absolutely have to. The dryer is a great friend to have and so many clothes are wash and wear that you don't need to iron. Maybe an occasional church shirt, but seriously just hang it wet and let it air dry or just iron once in a while.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed since getting pneumonia. I have had to slow down and then I feel like Adrianne - guilty because I'm not doing more. I've never been a good patient when I'm sick. I don't have time to be sick.
Anyway, I'll re-think how and what I should do and try to make some changes so I don't get so down on myself.
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