Saturday, September 18, 2010

I live in the presence of greatness

The title posted but nothing else. So here is what was supposed to have posted.

This morning Michelle ran another race. #13 of the summer. You'd think she'd be tired of them by now but she is still going strong. We had a huge thunderstorm early this morning but the weather moved out just in time for the race. It was still extremely windy but at least it was cool. Anyway, Michelle got her best time of the year and came in 1st in her age group. Pretty soon, I am not going to be able to stand her awesomeness.


Jess and Jen said...

I saw the title and assumed you were probably referring to Michelle, but was curious! That's pretty cool that she has run so many races and enjoyed it! Way to go Michelle on your great race today! -Jen

Lokodi said...

That's amazing! Way to go Michelle. Really, this is so cool. You are a running machine. Congrats.


chelsey said...

She's the bomb. Can she be my personal trainer??

LanceandNance said...

That is pretty awesome Michelle. Keep up the good work!


The Duke said...

You were first in your age group! Wow, you are moving up there.
Congratulations for being so dedicated. Looks like your work and determination are paying off.
You had better get moving, Jason, if you want to keep up with her.

Michelle said...

Thanks guys for the nice comments.
I looked up the official results this morning and there were 7 in my age group, so I'm just lucky this time. The best advice I got about running was you just have to keep practicing 3 times a week and one day you will just get better and it won't be so hard anymore.