Sunday, September 19, 2010


I've decided not to wait until the week before Christmas to get my shopping done.  In fact, I want to be completely done before December.  I hate that feeling of panic and torture.  I think that's one of the main reasons why I hate Christmas.  I know that's really sad to admit, but for the most part, I don't really like christmas.  I don't like the stress and pressure that comes along with it.  My goal this upcoming christmas season is to be pro-active.  I will be done with my shopping before December so I can truely focus on the true meaning of the holiday. 

So, this leads me to my question.  What's the rotation this year?  I'm pretty sure we have Kaitlin this year, but before I go out and get her stuff, I just wanted to make sure.  Is this the rotation for this year?:

Jason and Michelle: Adrianne and Mike
Adam and Amy: Lindsey and Hans
Chelsey and Brent:  Lance and Nancy
Jess and Jen: David and Tana
Adrianne and Mike: Gillian and Kevin
Lindsey and Hans: Kaitlin
Lance and Nancy: Ammon
David and Tana: Jason and Michelle
Gillian and Kevin: Adam and Amy
Kaitlin: Chelsey and Brent
Ammon: Jess and Jen

Did I get that right? 


Jess and Jen said...

Based on the pattern we established a few years ago, this is right. -Jess

chelsey said...

Yep, sounds right. And come on Lindsey, what are you talking about?? Can any sister of mine NOT LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the christmas holidays? I actually kinda like the hustle and bustle. It's all part of the fun. I tried to get all my shopping done early one year and found that I ended up over buying, cause I still found little tid bits here and there til xmas. So last minute shopping has it's bonuses. You simply run out of time to wander through the stores!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Sounds right to me. I used to dislike Christmas too but now I really like it.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

Yes! I am so excited! Lindsey you have me... haha I am excited because I get to shop for my roommates and my family. :) Chelsey.... Crap. I am glad this came up.

Team Clark said...

Hey, Lindsey - what do you guys want for Christmas this year? Will you email us a few ideas?