Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An update

Because we don't update you all enough on our own blog....

Today is an early out day at school because of the weather. It's been so nice and pleasant here lately--in the 70's with no humidity. But this week the humidity is all back and today is in the 90's. The elementary school has no A/C so they are letting the kids all go early today. That means Will gets done today at 10:45. He was super excited to get out early. I was excited at first too because then we could go do something before naptime at 1:00 but none of us are feeling very well so I think we will just stay home. Yesterday was a crazy busy day so our house is a mess today. I was thinking I'd take the boys to the sprinkler park but I have to go visiting teaching today so we won't have enough time. The boys really want to go swimming but the base pool (the free pool) is already closed for the summer. So, I'm thinking I'll just clean today and let the boys watch TV or play computer for awhile.

Mike is going to New Mexico on the 12th of September. He'll be gone or about a week. I'm kind of dreading it but he hasn't had to go anywhere for over a year so I can't complain. Plus, the boys are older now so it shouldn't be as hard to have him gone. It's still no fun though.

Mike's last class ends next week. This masters program has been really good for us. Today he went in to school at 9:20 and will be home around 4:30. I'm loving having more of his time. There are people that spent insane amounts of time at school. We have not had that experience at all so we are very lucky.

I have to start going to Physical Therapy next week. My shoulder has been hurting for about four years and it is getting increasingly more painful. I finally went to the doctor about it and got a referal. I'm hoping it improves. My shoulder pops every time I move it and I can barely sleep on my left side. Also, it falls asleep when I go running (that's something that has happened since high school) and makes running very uncomfortable sometimes.

The final thing is that this morning the principal saw me walking Will to class this morning and told me not to anymore. I'm relieved because it's kind of a pain to get us all out of the car and walk all the way to his class. Will is going to be very unhappy. I can already see his lip quivering when I tell him I can't walk him to class anymore.

Well, I think that's it.


gillian said...

I'm sorry about your shoulder. I hope it gets better soon. Did Will cry when you dropped him off at school today?

Mike and Adrianne said...

No, I told him when he got home from school. Today he will have to walk in by himself. He'll be fine.

Jess and Jen said...

After the first day of school Leah told me she was ready to just be dropped off, but I didn't do it until today. Kind of weird, but it was fun for her to have Abby walk her to her class! Good luck with Mike's business trip and your shoulder! -Jen

Papa Doc said...

Of all this I feel bad for your shoulder pain the most. Having had three shoulder surgeries in recent years I almost feel your pain. Maybe it is just a genetic thing, but no one else in the family has talked about such pain before.

Will will be great. He is such a good kid and I know he will fare well by himself. In years to come he will not even want you to know what he is even doing. And after hearing some of the things that David and Lance did, I am glad that I did not know back then.

I cannot wait until you go to Colorado. Hope we can find a way to go soon to see you all!

Dad Clark