A girl in our ward is offering a free sewing class this summer (and probably into the fall). She is a very busy lady--she just got released as the first counselor in our primary and she has five kids, one that is only about five months, and another girl that has leukemia. Having her offer to teach this class was pretty nice to start with but adding all the other stuff on top and this makes her amazing!
I didn't even own a sewing machine and frankly, sewing has always scared me. But, I've always wanted to learn to sew so I went and bought a cheap machine at WalMart and I've started going to her class. So far she has taught us how to thread our machines, how to make bibs, and how to make a rag quilt. Today she was going to show how to make a tote but the boys have been kind of sick to their stomachs and since bringing sick kids to her house would be very bad for her daughter, we chose to stay home.
Anyway, I finished my first projects today. I have a long ways to go before I'm good at this but you have no idea how proud I am of myself considering that fact that the only other time I've tried to sew anything it was a jump suit and I sewed the shoulders together.
We are supposed to learn how to do decorative pillows and a pencil skirt coming up. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.
are you implying something? everything is girly... :) :)
Good job. I am jealous that you have a sewing machine!!
Those all look great! I was surprised to see you holding such a girly blanket! I love having a sewing machine, but sew pretty basic things. I don't like cutting out and following patters, so I only sew things that I can figure out without one...and nothing complex! -Jen
I told Mike I didn't want to post pictures because everyone was going to think I was announcing something.
There is nothing cooking in my tummy,and certainly not a girl.
When she said we were making burp cloths and a quilt I thought, I don't need either of those and I a billion boy blankets. So, I decided that a girl blanket was just as good as a boy blanket and surely someone could use it if not me.
I am sending the burp cloths to Tana but I'm embarrassed about them because they aren't very good. The quilt I'm debating sending to her. That is the nice thing to do, especially since I have no need for it. But, it's my first project and so cute that I'm not sure I want to give it up!
They look great! I can't even begin to tell you how jealous I am that you're in that class! What a nice lady to be doing all that for you guys! Do you think you could send a tutorial for the blanket?? That would be great for a xmas gift.
Chelsey, I'm thinking I'll make some more blankets--maybe another one for Tana and one for Jen, but only if I decide to spend the money for it. Hows that for cheap? I really want to make some more and it only took three days. So, I'll post a tutorial then. It is really, really easy. Considering the fact that she had to show us how to thread our machines and none of us have ever sewn, this is an easy project for beginners!
Cute, cute, cute. The more you do, the better they will turn out. The burp cloths are difficult to do as a starting project because of the curves, but you'll get it down. Don't give up!
She's pretty amazing. Today, I came home to find that she had made a little pillow with flowers on it. She's in the room stuffing it right now. I'm very happy she's learning how to sew.
Mike, you are good to Adrianne. Glad you are in our family!
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