I should be used to the cold by now. 10 winters in Iowa should have been enough to thicken my skin but it hasn't. Our forcasted high today is 7 degrees with the wind chill factor of around -20 to -30. The whole midwest has been gripped in a massive high pressure system that is giving us beautiful clear skies and miserably cold temperatures. The picture below is of the Mississippi River. It was taken yesterday near Nauvoo. Can you imagine how cold it had to have been for an extended period of time to make the river passable to the wagons leaving Nauvoo in 1847?

Other than the cold, life is good here in Iowa. Have a good week.
We're not quite that cold, but cold enough! It's not getting warmer than 20 here all week. I won't even make the kids wait at the bus stop in this weather. No way. It was 6 degrees when we got up this morning. There was a long line of cars at the school this morning. No one wants their kids out at the bus stops waiting in this. BRRR!! Stay warm!
We're not looking forward to the heating bill this month. :(
I have often thought about the Saints being driven out across the Mississippi River - and to think that it was frozen enough for them cross and that several babies were born that night in tents is incredible. I think the Lord definitely created a miracle for them to cross that river and survive.
Hope you stay safe and warm! I don't envy you one little bit.
Wow..that is really cold! It is freezing here too. Right when January came around so did the cold cold weather. We have been having some pretty intense wind for the past 3 days. I am ready for the summer to roll around.
It was gorgeous here over the weekend. Blue skies, clear air, over 40 degrees on Saturday, melting snow, etc. Loved it! -Jess
Brr...we are cold, not as cold as Jason, thank heavens. We can't seem to keep our house warm either.
Today is Friday, and it is still cold. It was only six this morning, but I heard it was -35 last night in one of the Dakotas. That was not the wind chill, just the temp.
So much for Global Warming! This is one of the coldest winters on record.
I have told the Mississippi thing often in classes. I ask who has seen the river, and many have. I ask if they can imagine it being frozen. They cannot. Then the facts of the time when the saints crossed in wagons become truely amazing!
Thanks for your post.
Dad Clark
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