My kids have asked me if I have set any New Year's resolutions. I usually don't make them but this year I have a couple.
1) Love better - not more, just better.
2) Never have such a boring holiday week again - I will have more fun next year.
3) Celebrate our anniversary. We never do. We will next year as long as we are both alive.
I explained to Ammon that I make new resolutions every single week when I take the sacrament. Most people in the world don't know they can do that and so the New Year's is the time for them to renew their determination. I find that I need to do it weekly so I will keep working on what needs to be worked on. A year's resolution seems to lose its focus with me. (Maybe its that long-term memory that I lose and can't remember what I decided to do.) :)
I do know one thing - I am so happy 2009 is over. I believe that last year was one of the hardest years that we have experienced as a family (the four of us here at home) and individually - not only for Ammon but for all of us. I never want to repeat it - never.
Ammon told Dr. Valdez yesterday that he has a goal for the coming year: "I want to stay healthy and I never want to go to a hospital ever again." I hope that works.
We have felt blessed by all your lives and the good things you are doing. We have been very grateful that all of you are employed and that you survived the nasty economic year we've just gone through. We have felt the Lord's hand in so many things that we don't want to complain. We simply hope for better things to come in 2010.
Happy New Year!
I can't remember whether 2009 was good or bad. It's such a distant memory now.
The pic is great. That's on the road between SF and Salem, right? I love Mt. Loafer. -Jess
That's a great picture. Mike and I were talking about all the good things and the bad things that happened this year and have decided the good outweigh the bad. Here's to hoping this year is as good.
You can see why I love this woman. I do not see how she can love too much better. She is wonderful to me. She forgives me regularly.
Then the comments about resolutions are so insightful. She has it right! She does it right, too!
I love her so much.
Dad Clark
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