Monday, November 16, 2009

Here's Proof - Your Dad Loves Me!

Yesterday morning I started getting a nasty pain on the left side of my chest. I wasn't worried about it being a heart attack because there was no radiating pain down my arm, etc. But every time I took a deep, cleansing breath, the pain was horrific. I couldn't take a deep breath at all. I finally left church because I was so uncomfortable. All day long I felt lousy and when I finally went to bed last night I began to worry. It really hurt to lie on my left side. Ibuprofen and Tylenlol didn't seem to help very much.

I got ready for work this morning and left, but was kind of dragging my feet. I really didn't feel well. Jim asked me how I felt and when I told him, he expressed concern but didn't say much. About two hours after I got to work, Jim called and told me he thought I should go see the doctor. I didn't think our doctor was in the office on Mondays and had already decided I had better go in on Tuesday. Well, Jim had already called the doctor's office and talked to the nurse so he knew Dr. Frandsen was in this morning. I kind of hum-hahed around and didn't commit to calling the doctor. I hung up after Dad called and about five minutes later, Dr. Frandsen's nurse, Mary, called me at work. She went through the symptoms with me while she was in the room with the doctor and said, "Get in here right now." Jim had called them and had expressed enough concern that they didn't dare let me wait it out.

So I left work and went to see the doctor. I had an EKG, an x-ray and a blood test along with the normal exam. Everything is fine. They checked me to see if I had blood clots in my left lung or looked for a collapsed lung, they looked for a mass of something there indicating possible cancer, they did a blood test which helps determine if there is a heart attack going on and checked my blood pressure. The doctor thinks I have pleuresy (sp?) and said it could take up to a week before the inflammation along the plural walls settles down. I think it might be related to my neck which has been really struggling for the past month but whatever it is, it's not going to kill me.

I didn't think I was having a heart attack and that was why I was so reluctant to go into the doctor's office, but Jim said, "You're my wife! I've got to keep you alive!" The doctor told me that Jim said, "Should I call an ambulance and have them deliver her to you?" Of course, Jim didn't say that - the doctor was just kidding, but as I walked out of the office, Dr. Frandsen did say, "Telll your husband I'm sure glad he loves you!" I laughed and said, "I'll tell him that when he writes out the bill."

I went straight back to work.


Jess and Jen said...

Goodness gracious, glad you didn't die. That would be sad.

But the Dad stuff is sappy sweet. How cute. By the way, Dad, Jen was watching the end of Pride and Prejudice last night on TV and I'd see certain scenes and all I could think of was you and how much you loved that flick. -Jess

The Duke said...

Guess who was watching it last night -- AGAIN?!? Yep, your sappy, sweet Dad.
Kaitlin snuck down the stairs because we made a bet he was watching it. She came back up laughing her head off. What's that? 1,000 times??

chelsey said...

What on earth? I talked to you right after you got to work and you didn't metion a thing!

Good thing Dad's there to watch out for you! I'm glad you're doing okay. I get similar pains in my chest and I can't catch my breath. It used to scare the heebee geebees out of me, but the dr said something about having costochondritis. It comes on once in a while, and leaves after a few days or hrs usually.

You should always get that checked out though! Take some Bayer and call the dr. Good call dad!

Jess and Jen said...

I think Dad just loves the part when Mr. Dah-cy says to Keira Knightly near the end, "You've bewitched me body and soul."

The Duke said...

See, you've watched it enough to have that memorized. I kind of like that part, too.
Chelsey, I've had costochondritis for a long time but it usually doesn't bother me very often. Elisabeth also has it. That's what I thought this might have been, but the location was different and it still hasn't gone away. I can sleep better now, but I still can't catch a full breath.

Tana said...

I have had plueresy before once..I had just got back to South Carolina after visiting my parents in Brazil and something with the pressures on the plane started it. It was the worst. I coultdnt even lay flat in bed..if I did if sent a sharp pain and I couldnt breath. I slept upright in a recliner for a week. Good luck! Hope it goes away soon! We all know that you more than anybody needs sleep.
Oh PS Jim I love that movie as well. I could watch it 1,000 times. Its great!