I just finished Dan Brown's latest book, "The Lost Symbol". It wasn't as good as the any of his previous four books. It seemed like he was trying to write a thesis on Freemasonry/iconography/symbology and threw in the plot as an afterthought. I was not as impressed as I hoped I would be. Still, it was interesting and left me with the desire to visit Washington D.C.
Come on come on!!! Dave has been to one of the Mason temples in DC and said it was pretty neat..
I read The Divinci Code and Angels and Demons and loved them both...Dave and I bought The Lost Symbol like a month ago and I am not even to page 100 yet. It has not been catching my attention well.. and I have been disappointed too.. I am going to try and finish it though!
Brent thought the same thing. It left him intrigued by the mason information, but said the book wasn't as good as his others. I still haven't cracked it open yet but plan to sooner or later.
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