Funny thing, is that all our other trees are the same kind as this one, but they've either not turned colors at all or already dropped a lot of their leaves. Strange. I hope they will all be just as beautiful as the other maple is!
I also took Chester out again this morning hoping that I'd find some beautiful colors on the trail, but not yet. It was still mighty pretty though! Somehow, when you get to walk on trails this pretty and peaceful, exercising doesn't seem like such a pain anymore! Too bad old man winter is on it's way!
Last year, we had a neighbor give us a small bag with this plant in it. I don't even remember what it's called. We casually stuck a few roots with a couple handfuls of dirt in between the rocks in our retaining wall. Look what happened this year. I can't believe how little dirt this stuff needs to grow. I picked a root and put it on the other retaining wall hoping it would take off there, and I already have a few new roots! Yeah! I love rock walls covered with plants growing down it. Whatever this stuff is, it's pretty hardy, but I'm hoping it doesn't take over everything.
Your pictures are so pretty! The trees are looking just about the same here. I love fall.
I love the plant on the retaining wall - and to show the difference from one day to the next is amazing! I don't think our fall has been as nice this year in terms of color as last year, but it was still pretty last night. It's been raining here for two days but it's not too cold. Oh, I dread the coming of snow this year! The summer was too short.
Your pictures are great! Thank you for sharing them.
In coming home from the hospital the other day in the afternoon I saw how beautiful the maples and the yellow aspens were now on Mt. Loafer. It will not last long. The beauty of the fall is always something I love. Fall in Nebraska was my favorite.
The path you show along your walk is incredile! The east has lots of that sort of beauty.
Dad Clark
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