Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just checking

Hello? Are you dead Lindsey? Over and out!


chelsey said...


gillian said...

ditto again.

LanceandNance said...

OMG! I was thinking ditto too!

Papa Doc said...

I got my international call service put in by yesterday and Chris and I called the Bindus. She is doing fine and getting in to it back in the same city she was in before. They are not permanently settled yet and so things are still a little tough. But the kids went trick or treating. Guess what Eva dressed up as. She was a Philly's baseball player. I think she should have been in Philly last night. Gabe was more scarry, but probably is too young to know the difference.

You all could call her you know. But you better put in international calling services or you will not be able to afford it. It is not bad with that in place.

Dad Clark

chelsey said...

I don't think any of us have her number. Someone fill us in.

The Duke said...

I posted it on the blog earlier.

The Duke said...

Here it is again: 011 49 160 938 33843. Notice the extra number at the end.