Last Saturday I made Ammon go on a walk with me to get him out of the house and to see the beautiful trees. He was not happy with me at all. There was a little breeze and he didn't like it. I persisted. He started to get really grouchy with me and then began to cry. He is rarely mad at me and he rarely cries. But I still made him stay outside with me. Finally I said, "Where is my Ammon?" He said, "What do you mean?" I replied, "Where is my happy, sweet Ammon? You seem so sad all the time now." He snapped right back at me and said, "I'm on vacation! I'll come back." A week passed by and each day I saw a little more light in his eyes. Two nights ago when I was getting him ready for bed he threw his arms out wide to give me a huge hug and exclaimed, "I'm back!" He is truly back.

This was on the walk when he got so mad at me. He just wanted to go home and play on the computer.
Last night we had a great time at a Young Ambassador's concert held at the high school. They are an energetic, talented group of singers and dancers from BYU that perform all over the world. Whenever their band would play, Ammon would begin to dance with his hands, shoulders and head. He has some smooth, sweet moves. He was definitely back!

Although he missed his Halloween party at school, he was determined to go Trick-or-Treating this year so we decided since his head was already pretty ghoulish from the scabs and scars that we'd just enhance the look. We only went up and down our street, but he was really happy to be outside this time and to see friends and neighbors. In the photo above Kaitlin and Ammon are giving me their evil eye look.
Hope all of you had a fun Halloween!
Ammon, that's a great look for Halloween! I'm glad you got to go trick or treat. Did you get any chocolate?
We're all glad "he's back" too!
Ammon is back! You looked so cool on Halloween. I am sure you had a ton of fun.
He even brought me back a small Snickers bar. That makes it all worth it! The picture does not do justice to the evil eye that Ammon could give. It was really weird.
Dad Clark
I love the face paint! You look awesome.
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