Thursday, September 03, 2009

Now what is it exactly I'm supposed to be learning here?

It's only 10:45 am here in Ohio. So far, my Dyson vacuum (which is never supposed to give you problems...)won't work. It seems bent or something. The part that actually touches the carpet won't stay down on the carpet. The vacuum is just the beginning however. I thought after fighting with the vacuum for 1/2 hr I'd try to spot clean some areas of my carpet. I have used our Shop Vac to do that for years. It's the best way to suck dirt right out of the carpet and works everytime-- except for today. I turned it on and within a minute, the motor started to smell, then it just died. Completely gone. Now I have a few wet spots on the floor and no way to suck the hot water out of the carpet. Great.

Then, to top it all off, I went to switch a load of laundry and noticed the washer wasn't spinning all the water out. I set it to spin again and ended up with a puddle of water on the floor seeping under the wood floor in the hall. Really? All in one morning?

Can I crawl in a hole now? Breathe in, breathe out. I've gotta get out of this house. Apparently housecleaning just wasn't supposed to happen today. Maybe that's my silver lining...


Jess and Jen said...

Oh goodness! What a morning! Hopefully it'll all work better when you get home from having some time out of the house! -Jen

The Duke said...

This is the kind of day that would want me to slit my throat. Why is is that appliances always seem to break down all at the same time? And water on your wood floor? Ah heck, go back to bed, put your head under the cover and maybe the bad dreams will end.
So sorry!

grams said...

So sorry Chelsey. I really feel badly for you. I would probably have a panic attack at your age with all your responsibility. Keep the faith and all will work out.

askdyson said...

Hi its Darran at Dyson, sorry to hear you are having difficulties with your Dyson vacuum cleaner. Give us a call on 1866MYDYSON, I am sure we can help resolve this.

Jason said...

Misery. I am so sorry. Morning like that just shouldn't happen. You could solve you vacuum problems by avoiding a plastic vacuum. Kirby is the only way to go. I've had mine for over 10 years.

Anyway, I hope everything works out.

Jason said...

Okay, let's add an "s" to morning and an "r" to you. My grammer is slipping in my old age.

Jess and Jen said...

Yeah, but are still making payments on that Kirby??

I'm okay with a $80 Bissel.

Jason said...

Nobody in their right mind pays full price for a Kirby. That would be highway robbery.

Bissel's (and Eureka's and Hoover's, etc...) have a 2-3 year useful lifespan. That means that in the 14 years I have had my Kirby, you will have spent more money on vacuums than I have. You get what you pay for.

Jess and Jen said...

True...but Adam gave us his used Eureka vacuum when we got married and we had it for 7.5 years. It just finally gave out. I guess we got lucky! -Jess

Jason said...

Sounds like you got a good one.

Happy golfing all!

Papa Doc said...

I dhould not touch the question of vacuums. The last time I took
Chris into a vacuume store (nay, took is the wrong word, it was more like forced her to enter) she ended up getting so mad at me that it was like a marital training session on how to resolve/avoid conflict.

Right now our vacuum is broken and the time and resourses to fix it are not available. We have a whole in house vacuum system, but no in house vacuum and power head. They cost about a thousand. How does that compare with Kirby, Jason?

Dad Clark