Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Home Sweet Home

There's nothing better than a sunset when there's smoke in the air!
Ammon came home this afternoon. He has to keep this little humidifer "tent" on for a few days as his throat heals. He can take it off for short times, but it helps heal the inside more quickly. He is very weak and still very tired but he is happy to be home. We are thrilled to have him home!


chelsey said...

Welcome Home Ammon! Keep getting better for me okay? You'll be up and at it soon.

LanceandNance said...

Hooray! You're home! Now when is the "trach out chocolate party!" Way to be such a fighter Ammon, you rock!

Lance, Nance and Baby John

Keri said...

So glad you are home, Ammon! We'll be up to see you soon!