Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I hope Brent has changed the name of his talking group. If I had to be assiciated in anyway to Acorn, the political left wing group I would be quick in changing things.

If you have missed the recent videos of Acorn offices that Glen Beck has shown on his TV show you have missed a very significant happening. These videos are very incriminating to the President by association; he used them in his reelection campaign, and year ago actually did organizing work with them.

The web site, biggovenment.com has the videos that have recently been done in several offices of Acorn. The Beck show today was unbelievable! It is on Fox TV at three in Utah. Take a look at the wed site. Glen Beck's wed site has a lot about these videos right now, too.

Dad Clark


Jess and Jen said...

I know, sometimes I feel guilty by association just being a conservative with all the sex scandals we get involved in. Good thing we claim to be the morally straight party. The only "straight" thing about our morals is that we don't typically fool around with the same sex, but there seems to be plenty of experimentation with the opposite sex.

Gov. Sanford
House Rep. Mike Duvall
Sen. Ensign
Sen. Craig (wait, he's a flamer)

It ain't all peaches and cream on the Republican side of the fence, either, is it?

Mike and Adrianne said...

I just think it's crazy that the main stream media isn't covering it. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised becasue they love the Obama man.

Dave and Tana said...

Acorn is a joke. no need to bring up other bad politicians though jess. different story.

Jess and Jen said...

My only point is that Dad seems to vehemently point out every flaw in a liberal / democrat, but never says a word about the foibles of the conservative side.

I agree that Acorn is nutty (ha, get it? acorn? nut? whew...). Frankly, they're all nuts. I'm a complete cynic in everything politics.

Jason said...

This story is actually getting some national air time beyond Glen Beck. This morning, NPR did a segment on the growing scandal. If half of what they (and Glen Beck) are saying is true, ACORN is in for a rough time. 82 Senators voted to pull the plug on government housing dollars going to ACORN.

Like Jess, I am extremely disillusioned by politics. Neither side has the high ground. The idea of an honest politician is the biggest oxymoron of all.

By the way, did you hear what Carter said about Joe Wilson's outburst? It was one of the most moronic things Carter has said in a while. Even the President disputed his comment.

The Duke said...

I did hear what Carter said and I was astounded that he would be so dang stupid. No wonder he didn't last longer than one term.
I distrust every politician I read about and know. It's like the crooked car salesman or crooked lawyer - I think honest ones are few and far between and that's why I have a hard time believing either side.