Monday, September 14, 2009

Here in the Twlight .... Zone ....

This is weird. Tonight, Dave logged in to Facebook and made a status update. Here's what he wrote:
Dave Clark hates the new england patriots... actually all things boston.
Less than an hour later, and completely unaware of what Dave wrote, I logged into Facebook and made this status update:
Jess Clark Dear Buffalo Bills, I feel for sorry for you. I was totally rooting for you. DOWN WITH THE PATRIOTS (and everything Boston...)! Anybody else see the end of the MNF game tonight?
We really are clones...


Team Clark said...

And the Bills choke yet again. I actually feel sorry for them tonight - and I don't like the bills (remember what they did to the Oilers). I hate the patriots more...tom brady..ugh...arghhhhhhhh!

Mike and Adrianne said...

That is pretty funny.

Dave and Tana said...

I hate the cutoff sleeves. and Tom Brady.

Papa Doc said...

I do not watch any pro football, but I find your exchange to be very funny. Clone, no. But funny, yes.

Dad Clark