On July 21, it will be a year from Ammon's first surgery for his rod placement. This past year has been full of many trials and heartache for all of us as we've watched this very patient young man deal with what he's been given. He has been the greatest example to me because through it all, he has remained so kind and gentle - even with all the pain, needles, tubes, hospital stays and the homesickness he experienced.
Now, twelve days short of a year, we have reason to rejoice! Ammon's new pulmonologist called me this morning and we have a plan in place to remove the tracheostomy tube either the first or second week of August (after the wedding). He will have a reconstructive surgery on the upper part of his trachea to enlarge the opening. The doctor will make a ring at the top using some cartilage of one of his ribs to hold this open permanently which will ensure more safety for future surgeries. Dr. Pfeffer, the pulmonologist, said after reviewing all his sleep studies done in November and December that Ammon should never have been put on a ventilator in the first place.
The very first thing we will do for Ammon when he recovers and comes home once the tube is removed is to call the "Make A Wish" foundation. He has definite ideas of what he wants to do. It's a promise I made to him and we'll follow through.
Thank you for all your prayers in his behalf. We are anxious to let last year really, truly be in the past.
Hooray!! That's so awesome. I'm so happy for him. I hope all goes well. He'll be in our prayers.
Wow! This is such great news! I can only imagine how excited he is..but also a bit apprehensive! It took a long time to get this whole trach thing figured out but Im glad the decision has finally been made! You will all be in my prayers! Congrats, Love you much Ammon!
This is the best news of the day!! I am so glad. I am so happy for everyone--mom, dad, katy, ammon. What a great end to a long year. I hope it all goes well and we are praying for you continually.
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