Monday, July 06, 2009

Happy Birthday Jess!

One year older and wiser too...happy birthday to you! Hope you have a great day today and don't feel too much older.

Wishing you could do this today! Happy birthday!


Lokodi said...

Happy Birthday Jess. Great photo. It would make for a great golf advertisement. It sure makes me want to go golfing right now. Have a happy 31st! How much wiser are you really though? :))


Jess and Jen said...

Aahhh, that was golfing in Maui last November. You can see Kahalui in the background.

Thanks for the voice mail, Lindsey. I was on the phone with Jen when you called.

I took the morning off from work to stain new railing lumber I bought last week and will head in to work this morning around 10am. Jen is still down in Bicknell (will return tonight or tomorrow).

Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy birthday!! I hope Jen gets back tonight so you can have a celebration. Are you going to get birthday cake? How was your 4th of July?

The Duke said...

I haven't even had a chance to breathe or look at the blog or make phone calls today so I'm a little slow.
I sure hope your day is wonderful and I hope Jen gets home safely. Did you have a great weekend?
Any special wishes for this birthday?
I love you!

Dave and Tana said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a great day..and dont work too hard!!- Dave and Tana

Jess and Jen said...

We had a great weekend down in Bicknell. 4-wheelers, clay pigeons (I did well with Dad's 12 gauge), good food, hiking, church, gully-washing rain storm, flat tire on the van, etc.

Jen called today and said they are coming home tonight. I love my kids, but I'll be honest, going to bed and waking up this morning to an empty house was kinda nice. It would get lonely after a week or so, so my hat's off to Adam who did that for a few months. That would have been hard.

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Jason said...

Happy birthday, Jess. I hope you have enjoyed the solitude. That in and of itself would be a nice gift.

LanceandNance said...

Happy B-Day dude! Hope you had a good day.