So Tana and I have been researching and talking alot about a move to the East Coast. So here's the options.... Tana's parents live on the Virginia side of DC so this summer when we live out there for my internship I will earn eligability for in state tuition. After the Internship I plan on attending Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. It is a good school for just 3 grand a semester. I will also be expanding The Photobooth to the DC area (which is gonna be awesome). Tana can go and det her masters at VCU as well so we are pretty excited how it all works out! I feel my opportunities for my career goals will increase living closer to DC. I also am gonna apply to James Madison which is a great school in VA as well, even better actually. What do you guys think about this?
This sounds exciting. However, are you sure that a summer internship will give you enough time in-state to make you a resident? It differs from school to school. I know a friend of mine had to live in Texas a full year before he could apply to med school as a Texas resident. VCU is a good school with a good reputation and would probably serve you well. But the furtherance of your career goals is not necessarily a good enough reason to move somewhere. If that were the most important thing, I would have gone to Vanderbilt when I had the chance. More importantly, what are your family goals and will moving help you achieve them? What does the Lord think? I know that for me it wasn't necessarily what I was doing as a career that the Lord cared about but whether whatever I was doing would allow me to bring my family closer to him.
Good luck with your decision. No matter what it is, I'm sure it will be the right one.
True, family input is great, but the decision really lies between you, Tana, and the Lord.
Having said that: a move to the east coast would be sweet! If the option (financially, spiritually) arises to stay, you might as well do it before moving a family becomes more difficult. I would have loved to work for the gov't in the DC area for a while, but my life got in the way. It's turned out better for me this way, but it still would have been fun! -Jess
Go for it! You will do well and learn so much. You might find the things Jason mentioned to be right, so be prepared for more than three months to establish residency.
Dad Clark
yeah so i have research loop holes with residency and it will be available with the right strings pulled. Yes it is between us and the lord but i just wanted to hear your opinions.
Dave, I believe that you won't make this decision without praying and without talking to Tana. I imagine that if you are moving close to her family you have already discussed this thoroughly with her. ;) Anyway, IF you move there, we might see you a few times before we move to Colorado. Mike's family lives about an hour and a half away from D.C. It is super expensive but you somehow know how to find all those loop holes you were talking about so I'm sure you could deal with it. Also, I think it is great that Tana will get her Masters and I think if you can move somewhere that will help you further your career (with the Lord's approval, of course) you should go for it. I LOVE the East Coast. It is so beautiful and is definitely a different culture than the west coast or the midwest. Go for it!
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