Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This Old Dog Still Barks

This has not been the way to spend a morning today. I went to the hospital this morning because when I took Kaitlin to school I noticed that I could only see the first two of the three numbers on the clock, and on the way home I noticed that all the cars only had one headlight.

It seemed that both eyes saw the same way, so I assumed that it was a problem with my brain and not my eyes. I was right. The MRI showed a definite occlusion in a small artery feeding the visual cortex on the left side of my brain. At least I know that I have a brain. You know, Oz never did give nothing to the tin man that he didn't already have.

I am somewhat better this evening. At least I can read now with ease. Cut that out of life and it would be dismal. We shall save that for another day!

I am sad to cause Mom such stress. She has seen worse, but she does not need any more stress that what she has; and I for one would like to tell her that I love her both as the mother of a wonderful family but as my friend, confidant, and the other stuff that can't be mentioned outright on a public blog. She puts up with me and my problems, and always tries to make us all better, usually at great personal expense. I am grateful to have her as my wife.

Dad Clark


Jess and Jen said...

Super glad you're home and okay, but I hope the blockage clears itself soon. You certainly don't need that sitting there causing potential problems. -Jester

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm also glad you are home. We will be very sad if you die, papa. We love you and we are sorry that you have to go through this. That goes for mom too. We love you both.

chelsey said...

Hang in there (both of you)! We love you and are SO glad you're home and doing better. Don't worry dad, if it ever gets to the point where you can't read, you've got lots of us to read to you! What else are we good for?? ;)
Lots of love!