Friday, February 06, 2009

This Does Not Happen Very Often

I do not make many posts. I forget what I want to put on when I finally sit down to do it.

But today I want to suggest something to everyone. Most of you will not be able to do what I suggest because you are not at home at the right time. Sorry.

But just recently, the LDS commentator, Glen Beck, started a program on Fox News. It is not a news program, he says he is a commentator and a giver of opinions. That he is. It is really cool. He is unlike anyone I have ever seen on TV. He actually cried the other day on the program. He had a father on whose daughter is one of the seventy plus US citizens that have been kidnapped along the border. I had never seen any person on TV show that kind of emotion.

Glen's program is on at 5:00 Eastern time. That is three in the west. I see it often. You would really find it interesting. Be careful, however, if you love the Al Gore types. He really goes after him. Lately, he has been railing about the comments that Gore made saying that parents do not know as much as their kids. Wow. It has really been interesting.

Dad Clark


Lokodi said...

My parents actually turned me on to him, they sent me two of his books for christmas. The first one "an inconvenient book" (a jab at Gore's movie "an inconvenient truth" about global warming was very juvenile and sarcastic with only 2 pages of actual solutions to problems but lots of cartoonish pictures and jokes. The second one "the christmas sweater" is more spirit-influenced, a sort of novel/true story about his growing up. He's definitely no Dickens but it's a good little book and might make you cry too.

His background is a convert and recovered alcoholic so he has come a long way. It is cool to see a conservative commentator who is not a typical alpha male who beats up his guests like OReilly. What's up with Harry Reid is he still LDS, or has he been disowned for being a Dem? I wonder if Glenn will pick on Reid since they're both LDS?


Jason said...

I saw Beck's show the other day and was also impressed. I really like the guy.

I hope that Beck does not spare Reid just because Reid is LDS. I don't like Reid. And not because he is a democrat. Rather I don't like him because his membership in the church seems to be one of convenience. That may not be true but he espouses some of the traditional democratic ideals that are at odds with the church (abortion "rights", for example). I do believe, however, that it is possible to be a good member of the church and a democrat. Larry Echohawk, the former state attoney general from Idaho, is a democrat and an active member of the church. I think he is actually teaching at BYU's law school right now. I will also be willing to bet that Hugh Nibley was a card carrying democrat.

Like Hans said, I really like the fact that Beck doen't pull O'Reilly's stunts and attempt to brow beat everyone into submission. O'Reilly seems to think that no one but him can possibly be right (and yes, I mean that both ways). People like Bill O'Reilly are what is wrong with the Republican party today. Bill O'Reilly is a demogogue and isn't doing anyone any favors except those too dumb to think for themselves.

Jess and Jen said...

O'Reilly and Hannity: both believe they are God's gifts to humanity. Both are sorely wrong. I don't mind Glenn Beck, but alas, my job and lack of cable TV get in the way of watching any of the shouting heads. I don't think I'm missing much. -Jess

Lokodi said...

I don't really know much about Reid, just find it interesting that utah is largely republican and here is Reid the lone LDS democrat in the public eye anyway. Here is a snippet about Reid from Wiki: "Reid and his wife have five children, one of whom, Rory Reid, is an elected Commissioner for Clark County, Nevada, and another who recently ran for municipal office in Cottonwood Heights, Utah.[74]

Reid is a first generation member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[75] Reid and his wife, who was born to Jewish parents, converted to Mormonism while Reid was a college student.[4] He stated in an interview with Brigham Young University's Daily Universe that "I think it is much easier to be a good member of the Church and a Democrat than a good member of the Church and a Republican." He went on to say that the Democrats' emphasis on helping others, as opposed to what he considers Republican dogma to the contrary, is the reason he's a Democrat.[76] He delivered a speech at BYU to about 4,000 students on October 9, 2007 in which he affirmed that Democratic values mirror Mormon values."
"Regarding specific issues, Reid believes in a restricted right to abortion, stating that "abortions should be legal only when the pregnancy resulted from incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered."[12] He has also voted several times to ban the "intact dilation and evacuation" or "partial-birth abortion" procedure.[13] Regarding same-sex marriage, Reid has stated he believes "...marriage should be between a man and a woman." He voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act but against the Federal Marriage Amendment.[14] He is historically in favor of the death penalty,[15] stem cell research,[16] and gun control.[1"

Schwarzennegar's views also interest me because they don't fit the typical republican cookie cutter.

Jason said...

Thanks for the clarification on Reid's positions. I had heard the opposite about him but had not taken the time to see for myself.

His statement about being a member of the church and being a republican is a statement that I have also heard as Hugh Nibley's explaination of his political view points but I probably out to look that one up also.

Jason said...

I meant democrat, not republican in the above comment.

Lokodi said...

Now there's a guy who is mentioned alot in church material and talks and also someone I know very little about. In fact he was mentioned today by Elder Oaks (of the seventy) at stake conference. Wish I had more time to read.

Lokodi said...

Hugh Nibley I mean.

Jess and Jen said...

Yo, we have stake conference today, too! Well, it started yesterday at 4pm and will continue until 3pm today! Good times. The best part is that I have no Sunday meetings besides Stake Conference. This has been a very relaxing morning. -Jess