Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Stuff from Lancy.

So, I just wanted to contribute to the family blog. Here is some stuff that is going on with us.

Nancy had a doctor's appointment today. She is 29 weeks and has a fundal height of 31 cm. Her blood count is good since she has started taking an iron pill every night. Baby John is moving more and more and Nancy is getting more and more uncomfortable, but she is still doing well.

I am very busy with school. As usual, very stressed as well. I am learning a lot this semester about economics and financial accounting. Pretty good stuff.

We are hoping to go on some sort of "babymoon" getaway before John gets here and we are trapped forever. Just kidding John, we love you.

We already finished our taxes (Nancy did them online) and are excited to get our return. I say we get that big screen I've been wanting, but I don't think it's gonna happen. We'll probably buy a bunch of diapers or something. Lame.

I have really been diggin' the band Fleet Foxes lately and Andrew Bird.

Work is really slow still. Not a good time for the biz.

Church callings are going well. Our quorum's home teaching is improving a lot. I am very happy about it. I have had good experiences lately with home teaching. My companion is less active and his contributions to the lessons have boosted the visits we've made. I think it is strengthening him.

Anyway, we are doing well. We are so excited for the baby to come. Life is good. Busy, but good.



Jess and Jen said...

Thanks for the update, yo! Jen's done about 7/8 of our taxes so far (I don't remember getting my student loan interest statement yet, so we can't finish). We get federal back; pay state.

I've never heard of Fleet Foxes or Andrew Rich, but what can you expect from your 30-year-old brother? I bought a CD by the Gabe Dixon band while I was in Florida. Kinda slow, but nice.

Slow times at work are still better than no work, right?

Dave and Tana said...

you should check out cold war kids. all of them. awesome! and older Kings of Leon... Best band in america.

The Duke said...

It's good to hear from you, Lance! I wish we could see you more often. I didn't know that Nancy had changed positions at work until last night - where have I been?? Is she quitting when she has the baby or will she work part-time?
We got our taxes done last night by Vita again. They do a super good job! And it's free. We are getting a good sum back - maybe we can get new tires for both cars now and fix the back breaks - there are always more places for the money to go than we would want. We'd like to get a new TV, too because the one downstairs is slowly dying. But tires and bills always come first. :( Ah- for a new stove - or a new couch - or something fun. Oh well.
We still have your "Store Monkey" tag and long johns. When are we going to get together???

Papa Doc said...

Who or what is Fleet Foxs and Andrew Bird. From your sentence I get the idea that these are bands.

Your use things like "fundal height". I also do not have a clue what that is. And Chris has had eleven kids. Guess it is something good.

Great to hear from you.

Dad Clark