Mike and Adrianne just left here to drive home. They'll be going as far as St. Louis today and then on to OK tomorrow. The weather was really awful here yesterday afternoon and I was a little worried they wouldn't make it here. We got 2" of snow an hour (of course, none of it was anticipated...) and traffic was at a standstill. Thankfully, they were coming in from a direction not as busy and had better weather til they got about 15 min from my place.
The kids are out of school again today because of bad side roads. When the kids still weren't home from school by 5pm last night, I finally found out the buses weren't even at the school yet. I went over and picked them up myself but there were probably still 200 kids in the gym waiting for their buses to arrive.
Anyway, the roads are fine today, and kids probably, no, should've been in school. At least we all got in some good sledding today. Even Mike and Adrianne got into the action a little. (And yes, Mike enjoyed it too!) Too bad Brent has to work today. He's missed all the fun. I think the kids were thrilled to sled down the big hill and play in the snow. Will was having a great time! Even Isaac was enjoying the sleds! Here's a few pictures of our fun today!
Adrianne and I even had a race with the boys. It's kinda hard to manuver around the maple trees in the yard ~ takes a little skill!
Afterward, we all came in for hot chocolate. This is what the living room looked like after we shed the layers. WOW.
Oh, it looks so fun! I'm very relieved that Mike & Adrianne made it to your place. I hope they have good weather to get back home. I cannot believe how many snow days you have had this winter. Here's hoping for spring!
We can now see about 60% of our lawn with recent warm weather. It was over 50 degrees today, but we have a couple of light storms coming in.
The days in Utah extend by 60 minutes during the month of February -- 30 minutes earlier sunrise and 30 minutes later sunset. I love it! I'm excited to get back on the driving range and golf course. I don't want to sled anymore! -Jess
We still have quite a bit of snow - not as much as it looks like they have in Cinci but still about 6 inches all over. We did have a warm day last Saturday (49 degrees) but had another cold snap that left a hard crust on everything. The river is still frozen over and has been for nearly three weeks straight. That is the longest it has ever been completely frozen over in the 8 and a half years we've been here. It is supposed to warm up a bit this weekend and like Jess, I am looking forward to longer days. My bike is pleading with me from the garage wall. Stay warm and dry.
I love the living room! Looks like someone is "living" there. Man, you sure have a cool hill, and right in your back yard!
Looks like the Richards picked just the right time to come to Cincy.
Wish I was there, too.
Dad Clark
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