Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sad Day

Last night I turned on the CNN just in time to see the last vote recorded in the Senate where the stimulus package passed. It was sixty to thirty eight. They needed sixty to pass cloture. I am really saddened to see this happen. Not a single Republican in the house voted for it. Only some very misguided ones in the Senate. Now my children and grandchildren can pay back the debt. I am too old to do much of that.

They say that during FDR's time he spent about one percent of the GNP for such things in the great depression. Mostly, what he did was not effective at all. Now we are spending thirty to forty percent of our GNP on such things all at once, and either printing inflationary money or borrowing money from foreigners to do it. The only good thing is that when it does not have a lasting positive effect, the Republicans will be able to say, "I told you so." But the former President did the same kind of thing with the TARP, too. So what can we say. What a mess.

On the Beck show the other day, he had on Michelle Milken. She is a great commentator in her own right. Look up her comments on the web for some very enlightened views. She is an American Filipina woman, by the way. She and Glen Beck spoke of the developing problem of the culture of entitlement which is developing in our country. They showed some clips from people speaking in various meetings both from the campaign and recently, too, with President Obama. I was amazed at what they showed and Beck and Milken's comments on the problem. There is little pull up your boot straps and get going any more, it is all so lets have the govenment do something to get me out of this mess.

I wish that we as a Church had implemented more fully at this time the priciples of consecration and stewardship and accountablity. Perhaps then the world could have a better model of just what can be done other that just hard work hopefully being successfull.

Dad Clark


chelsey said...

Ditto! Brent and I were cutting out the hearts to decorate the kids rooms with for today while we watched the last vote (from OH unfortunately) cast on the stimulus bill. It's shocking how little anyone really knows about this 1,100 page bill no one has read completely. I don't elect my senators to vote blindly and stupidly. It's really irritating for Brent and I both.

Jess and Jen said...

Not a single house republican voted for the stimulus package. I agree that this is not the way to revive the economy. While the US Forest Service gets $1 billion through this package, it's just going to be spent as fast as they can figure out how.

Gov't spending isn't the answer.