Ok, that's sappy enough. I have had a tremendous day today! Believe it or not, kids, your dad bought me flowers and made a wonderful breakfast that he intended to bring to me in bed (and the girls) except those plans were thwarted when Ammon woke up and I got up. I was shocked to see a vase of beautiful carnations sitting there. I have very fond childhood memories of carnations and I have always loved them - I am definitely not a flower snob! I like any kind - and those given to me I like the best.
Ammon was very excited for us and kept saying, "Oh, this is going to be sooo romantic!" He is the one that took the photo of us. It's a little off-center, but he was excited to be part of this adventure.
We are definitely naive about fine dining. Despite the fact that I order all this expensive food for special events at BYU, I have no clue what I'm buying because I've never seen the product nor tasted it. Before we left, I called a friend that is "in the know" about fine dining and asked her how much tip would be appropriate. I simply didn't know - you don't have to tip anyone at Wendy's and McDonald's.
We started on our way, slipping through stop signs in a horrific snow storm and ice-covered roads. We almost turned back but I was determined to go on this date. A storm ruined our anniversary and I wasn't about to miss this opportunity. We made it safely and heaved a sigh of relief.
As soon as we had ordered, they brought some rolls for us and something that looked like crushed ice in a flat type goblet. I had no idea what it was. Neither of us knew what it was and for some reason neither of us ate it. It began to melt as we ate our soup and salad. I finally said, "Jim, what is this stuff? It's now liquid - maybe it's something to wash our fingers in?" I discreetly (and it was discrete - I'm not that dumb) put the end of a finger into the stuff and then licked my finger. It was GOOD! I said, "Well, if it's something to rinse our fingers, I'm drinking it." We laughed and laughed at our naivete. We ate the liquid and loved it.
All the way over we had discussed how anyone could justify spending this kind of money on a single meal. We decided we would keep our thoughts to ourselves for once and just try to enjoy the experience. As soon as I tasted my soup I said, "I would gladly pay $100.00 just for this soup!" Just before they gave us our main dish the waiter said, "May I take your sorbet glasses?" So the stuff was sorbet. I order that for BYU. Hmmmm.. It's supposedly meant to cleanse your palate.
The entire evening was wonderful. The food was delectable and we were even able to give a nice tip to a very good waiter. Yeah!
I think one of the things that made this so nice was that we didn't take it for granted. It has never happened to us before and most likely won't again. It was a sweet experience. Another thing that made it extra special was that we were able to leave Ammon home with a good nurse
and we didn't have to worry about him for a single minute. I also decided that since Jim was intent on having more strokes I wasn't going to wait for a better day. We were going to celebrate whatever we could whenever we could.
The snow had stopped and our drive home was much quicker and safer.
That's awesome! Glad you have a good dinner together and tell Ammon the picture was great. I think the nicest restaurant I've ever eaten in was the Tree Room up at Sundance Ski Resort. That's gotta be nicer than Bajio Grill, right? -Jess
How romantic! I'm excited that you had such a fancy dinner, but I'm with you in not eating at places like that. Maybe one time is enough:) Happy Valentine's Day! You guys look cute in your picture.
Sounds like a great evening! Glad you got to go! And Dad, you rock! Good job with Valentines day. Mom was very happy on the phone today. Love you all!
That's a pretty funny story about the sorbet. Happy V-Day. I usually hate this day, but it wasn't too bad this time. I'm glad to hear you guys had a great time. Good job Dad!
That sounds like a great Valentine's day. Way to surprise mom, dad! I laughed about the sorbet. I would've done the same thing.
I, too, cracked a grin over the sorbet thing. Sometimes you have to be very careful about those things though. We got served a sorbet once that was made with Sherry and didn't know it until later. No wonder it was so good. Last year, at the Pampered Chef dinner in London, a sorbet was served that was made with Champagne. We were on to them this time.
I am glad you guys had such a good time. You certainly deserve it.
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