Friday, February 20, 2009

More pictures

Our dog. He has nothing to do with the post, but man, is he big!
Living room

living room

The living room

Our bedroom

Eli's room. Will and Isaac's room. Can you see the blankets their Grandma Richard's made. They don't match but the boys love them.


Jess and Jen said...

The boys' bedroom is so cute...what lucky little boys!

Jess and Jen said...

So, I noticed on the boys' wall you have a sign that says "7:00." Is that your "Don't you dare come into my bedroom in the morning until your clock says 7:00!"? -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

Actually, the boys were waking up really early so we decided to try and see if the sign would work. We got them an alarm clock and put up the sign and told them they can't come in until the sign and the clock look the same. It has worked very well. Isaac doesn't understand very well but he does ok. We still let them come in if it's close to seven or if one of them wakes up and the other two kids are asleep then the one up can come in but other than that, it's been a great thing for us!